Source: Much more than words
Expressive and Receptive Language Checklist
There is a wide range of what is considered to be normal in a child's language development. No two children say or understand exactly the same things at the same age. However, there are a series of language stages that most children pass through.
The following provides a guide to the ages and stages of development. It is a representative sample of things to consider and is not intended as an exhaustive list of skills at each age.
3 - 6 months
- attends to surrounds
- looks and listens
- follows movement with eyes
- looks at people
- smiles
- cries
- makes throaty sounds
6 - 8 months
- attends to one thing at a time
- begins to learn how one thing affects the other
- early turn-taking with actions eg. Smiling in response to adult greetings
- understands general meaning carried by intonation
- laughing, crying, cooing, babbling
8 - 12 months
- imitates adult's behaviour: eg. Waving
- has understanding of objects permanence (ie. Looks for things that are out of sight) - understands because of clues from situation
- enjoys repetitive games like peek-a-boo
- turn taking with sounds - develops intention to communicate
- initiates interaction
- 'talks' to adults using sound combinations
- babbling, experimenting with sound
12 months onwards
- begins to understand how to affect others
- learning words that are most meaningful
- communicates to be social, to ask and to show