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Bedwetting and Sleepovers

For a young  child, sleepovers are huge adventures! They’re important developmental milestones too, as they encourage independence and help build friendships. But for a bedwetter, the excitement can be tempered by fear: what if they wet the bed?

Fear of bedwetting on sleepovers spoils the fun for many children. They may even refuse to go, thereby missing out on this special experience.

Fortunately, there are easy solutions for managing bedwetting on sleepovers.

1.      Talk to your child about their worries and come up with a plan to manage bedwetting on sleepovers.

Your plan might include:

  • Checking out the route to the bathroom at the host house so your child knows where to go in the night
  • Use a sleeping bag with an absorbent pad backed by waterproof surface to lie on inside the bag
  • Spare pyjamas and clothes to change into in the event of an accident
  • Disposable pyjama pants such as DryNites. Show your child how to put them on and take them off. Practice a few times until they’re confident using these pants. DryNites are made to be discreet and feel just like underwear, so your child won’t feel like they’re wearing a nappy.
  • A plastic bag to put any wet articles in and bring home
  • A torch to light the way to the host’s bathroom
  • A small alarm clock to wake them in the night to go for a wee

2.      A quiet word to the host parents.

Ask them to keep an eye on things and to let your child know they can go to them if they need help. Ask for a night-light so your child isn’t stumbling around in the dark.

3.      Remind your child to go to the bathroom before bed.

4.      Tell him or her to have plenty of drinks during the day but to taper off after dinner.

5.      Ask the host parent not to give your child fizzy drinks

as these can stimulate the production of urine.

6.      Make sure they’ve had plenty of sleep before sleepovers.

Being overtired increases the risk of your little one sleeping deeply and missing the cue that their bladder is full.

7.      Have practice runs.

Try pretend sleepovers at your place – maybe in the lounge room, or at Gran’s place or a close friend’s home. This will help build your child’s confidence and ability to deal with an accident.

8.      Tell your child it’s not just them.

Chances are that at least two of their classmates wet the bed, too!

Lastly, reassure your little one that bedwetting on sleepovers is not that big a deal. Lots of kids have accidents when they’re away from home, even those who might not ordinarily wet the bed. Above all, show your compassion and understanding.

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DryNites website specialises in bedwetting and understands how difficult this time can be for both parents and children. Check out the website for more information on enuresis, self-esteem in children and read others bedwetting stories. Grab a free sample of DryNites Bedwetting Pyjama Pants or get all the information on bedwetting. Visit www.drynites.co.nz.