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Useful contacts for parents
Plunket Community Organisations/Support Groups EMERGENCY: DIAL 111 for POLICE, FIRE, AMBULANCE ALLERGY NEW ZEALAND for information on allergies ph 0800 34 0800 www.allergy.org.nz THE ASTHMA SOCIETY provides information and support for people with asthma and their families. Check your local phone book for contact details BARNARDOS ph 0800 227 961 www.barnardos.org.nz BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES ph 0800 225 252 BREASTFEEDING: LA LECHE LEAGUE for breastfeeding information and support see the white pages in your phone book or www.lalecheleague.org/LLLNZ NZ LACTATION CONSULTANTS ASSOCIATION ph 0800 452 282 PLUNKETLINE ph 0800 933 922 BUDGET ADVICE SERVICES see local directory. CHILD, YOUTH & FAMILY for parenting information: www.cyf.govt.nz for reporting abuse or neglect: ph 0508 FAMILY (0508 326 459) CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU provides information on community services, legal advice and budgeting Ph 0800 FOR CAB 0800 367 222 COMMUNITY SERVICES CARD - 0800 999 999 COT DEATH ASSOCIATION ph 09 358 5182 COT DEATH (SIDS) parent to parent support and information - 24 HRS - ph 0800 164 455 EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT www.ecd.govt.co.nz For information on local preschool services e.g. crèches, Play centre, kindergartens, Te Kohunga Reo, Pacific language nests, Montessori, correspondence school and play groups talk to Plunket staff, other Well Child Health Providers or look in your local phone book. EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS information line ph 0800 800 863 www.ers.dol.govt.nz FAMILY PLANNING ASSOCIATION for contraceptive advice, pregnancy testing or advice on sexual problems ph 0800 FPA LINE/ 0800 372 546 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES part of the Ministry of Social Development, has a website offering support for families, a directory of services, and the SKIP webpage (SKIP is Strategies with Kids - Information for Parents) www.familyservices.govt.nz HEALTH & DISABILITY COMMISSIONER ph 0800 11 22 33 www.hdc.org.nz IMMUNISATION ADVISORY CENTRE (IMAC) for information on all aspects of immunization ph 0800 IMMUNE / 0800 466 863 www.immune.org.nz IHC INC. Ph 0800 (IHCIHC) 0800 442 442 www.ihc.org.nz IRD for information on family assistance ph 0800 227 773 www.ird.govt.nz MATERNITY CONSUMER ENQUIRIES ph 0800 MUM 2 BE / 0800 68 62 23 MENINGITIS TRUST www.meningitis-trust.org.nz Email: info@meningitis-trust.org.nz, ph 0800 446 087 fax:09 428 0128 MISCARRIAGE SUPPORT AUCKLAND INC ph (09) 378 4060 Email: info@miscarriagesupport.org.nz www.miscarriage.org.nz MOTHERS NETWORK offers friendly groups where mothers can meet other women and share their experiences. Ph 0800 806 867 www.mothersnetwork.co.nz MULTIPLES NZ www.multiples.org.nz ph 0800 489 467 NZ CHILD SAFETY FOUNDATION www.childsafety.co.nz NZ COLLEGE OF MIDWIVES INC. Ph 0800 4 A MIDWIFE / 0800 42 643 9433 NZ CRIPPLED CHILDRENS SOCIETY – New Zealand CCS (INC) 0800 227 2255 NZ KINDERGARTEN ASSOCIATION / www.kindergarten.org.nz NZ PLAYCENTRE ASSOCIATION www.playcentre.org.nz MINISTRY OF HEALTH CONSUMER LINE offers a list of lead maternity carers and general information on maternity 0800 MUM 2 BE (0800 686 223) PARENTS CENTRE offer antenatal and parenting education and support groups. www.parentscentre.org.nz Email: info@parentscentre.org.nz Parent Help/CAPS New Zealand offer parent education, counselling, and support, See your phone book for local listing. Not available in all areas. PARENT TO PARENT FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE Provides an information and support network for parents of children with special needs ranging from very common to the most rare conditions.Ph 0508 236 236 www.parent2parent.org.nz PLUNKET SOCIETY: offers well child services, parent education and support www.plunket.org.nz PLUNKETLINE 0800 933 922 Post natal depression support groups are run in some areas. Contact your Plunket Nurse or other Well Child Health Provider for information on services in your area. www.tabs.org.nz PRESBYTERIAN SUPPORT SERVICES www.pss.org.nz RELATIONSHIP SERVICES offer counseling and groups for couples. Ph 0800 Relate 0800 735 283 SMOKING QUITLINE – For advice & support to stop smoking ph 0800 778 778 STANDARDS NZ – Parewa Aoteoroa www.standards.co.nz Starship Family free information service for information on a child’s medical condition or contact for a support group.www.starship.org.nz/healthinfo Ph (09) 307 4955 WATER SAFETY NZ ph 04 801 9600 www.watersafety.org.nz Email: wsnz@watersafety.org.nz WOMEN’S REFUGE – offers support and assistance to women in abusive relationships. Local refuges’ phone numbers are listed in your phone book. NATIONAL POISONS CENTRE URGENT CALLS –0800 764 766