Get the best early learning experience for your child
Little Citizens is a high quality early learning centre in South Dunedin. Little Citizens values whānaukataka, Maanakitaka, aroha and kaitakitaka. We take pride in creating and sustaining a nurturing, inclusive and holistic learning environment where your child has all the skills they need for school and beyond.
Quality Early Childhood Education
Guided by Te Whariki, aspirations and interests of the tamariki and whānau.
Physical Development
Large playground which promotes physical development for all levels of ability.
Nourishing Food
Delicious morning teas, lunches, afternoon teas and dinners included at no extra cost.
Easy drop-off, handy location, flexible enrolment, no minimum hours and total support from friendly, dedicated staff.
When you're choosing childcare and early learning, choose the complete package that gives a home away from home.
Little Citizens has the staff, equipment, hours, meals and support to give your family a great start. Little Citizens families also have the free assistance of a Taituarā a Hāpori – Community Services Specialist whenever they need.
Talk to the Team at Little Citizens, for a no-obligation chat about your family's needs today.