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Otahuhu Kindergarten

51a Hutton Street


Otahuhu Kindergarten's environment is built on respectful, responsive and reciprocal relationships with tamariki, whānau, wider community and Papatuanuku. 

Our outdoor area is spacious and green, with lots of shady trees.  Our indoor area is welcoming and interesting to explore. We are an enviroschools and endeavour to learn and teach sustainable practices with our Tamariki and our Whanau.

At Otahuhu Kindergarten we are inclusive and embrace cultural diversity in our community. Our tamariki and their whanau participate in and enjoy our kindergarten cultural events - this includes celebrations, shared lunches and excursions out into the local and wider community.

We recognise that each child is unique and encourage all children to be involved in a wide range of experiences that are challenging and fuels children's curiousity. 

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